CS2 Loadout Tutorial


CS2 loadout tutorial

Welcome to Counter-Strike 2, a game where we use the same couple of weapons over and over, so setting up your loadout is going to be pretty easy. First, we'll go over what you absolutely need in your CS2 loadout, then we'll discuss your free slots where you have a choice based on personal preference and playstyle.

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T-Side Pistols

Recommended Pistols:

  1. Glock

  2. P250

  3. Tec-9

  4. Desert Eagle

  5. Dual Berettas / CZ-75

Glock isn't great, but you're forced to take it. The first weapon we recommend equipping is the P250. Sometimes on full eco rounds, it's worth spending the extra $300 just to avoid using the Glock. Next, the Tec-9 is an absolute must. It has near-perfect first-shot accuracy while running at full sprint. Anything on the T-side with good running accuracy is going to be a good choice in CS2.

Following that, the Desert Eagle is essential. It's a one-tap headshot weapon, risky to use, but if you have good fundamentals, you can take down fully armored opponents.

For the final pistol slot, you have a choice. Dual Berettas are only really good in the pistol round because they have awful armor penetration. If you plan on "raid bossing" your teammates on the first round by buying Dual Berettas and maybe a flashbang or smoke, then equip the Dualies. There's also the CZ-75, which is more useful as a CT-side weapon.

T-Side Mid Weapons

Recommended Mid CS2 Weapons:

  1. MAC-10

  2. UMP-45

  3. MP7

  4. MP5-SD

  5. P90

The only weapon you really need here is the MAC-10. It's the go-to eco SMG, great for run and gun, even jump and gun. One trick is to set up a bind to switch to follow recoil; this makes the MAC-10 extremely effective.

You have four free slots. There’s no wrong answer here, except the PP-Bizon, M249, Negev, and Sawed-Off. The M249 is the worst weapon overall due to its cost. The PP-Bizon is the worst SMG option. The Negev is funny but not effective for T-side. The Sawed-Off is terrible at any range unless you're right next to your enemy.

T-Side Rifles

Recommended Rifles:

  1. Galil

  2. AK-47

  3. SG 553

  4. SSG 08 (Scout)

  5. AWP

You have five slots and six rifles. The Galil is a cheap rifle for when you can't buy an AK-47. The CS2 AK-47 is your default buy due to its power. The SG 553 is useful at longer ranges. The SSG 08 (Scout) is good when you can't afford an AWP. And, of course, the AWP is essential, even if you're not an AWPer, for when you need to drop one for a teammate.

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CT-Side Pistols

Recommended Pistols:

  1. USP-S

  2. P2000

  3. P250

  4. Desert Eagle

  5. Five-Seven / CZ-75 / Dual Berettas

You already have a choice for your starting weapon: the USP-S with a suppressor or the P2000 with an extra round in the magazine and two extra magazines overall. We recommend starting with the USP-S, but if you find yourself running out of ammo often, switch to the P2000.

The P250 remains a good choice, and the Desert Eagle is a must-have. For the rest, you need to make a choice and leave one off. The Dual Berettas are great for CS2 pistol rounds, but so is armor. The CZ-75 is a full-auto pistol, great for CT eco rounds where you can play up close and catch your opponent off guard to steal their weapon. Then there's the Five-Seven, which is like a more expensive P250. Its big advantage is that it one-taps a helmeted player up close. Consider whether a P250 and a flashbang or a Five-Seven suits you better.

CT-Side Mid Weapons

Recommended Mid Weapons:

  1. MP9

  2. UMP-45

  3. MP7

  4. MP5-SD

  5. P90 / MAG-7

The MP9 is the only weapon you absolutely need here. It's incredibly strong for light buys, force buys, anti-eco, and even gun rounds. Its fast rate of fire and easy recoil pattern make it a great choice.

Other options are similar to the T-side, but the Negev can be more useful on defense, and the MAG-7 isn't a terrible idea for camping a close angle. However, the MP9 is still generally the better option.

CT-Side Rifles

Recommended Rifles:

  1. M4A1-S

  2. M4A4

  3. AWP

  4. AUG

  5. FAMAS / Scout

You must have both the M4A1-S and the CS2 M4A4. The AWP is also essential. The AUG is seeing more use in CS2, mainly for holding longer-range angles, but you might not need the FAMAS. We prefer having both M4 versions depending on position and economy. The Scout is useful, but if you never use it, you can leave it off your list.

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Here’s our final loadout. Don't copy it blindly; consider the role of each weapon and your own preferences. It's important to learn the rules first, and then, once you've achieved a certain level of mastery, you'll understand when to break them based on your style.

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