Pets in CS2: When Will They Be Added and Why Are They Needed?


pets in CS2: when will they be added

Pets, in the form of chickens, have been an integral part of the Counter-Strike universe since its early versions. Initially, they were just decorative elements that didn’t impact gameplay. However, with each new version of CS, chickens began to take on more significance. Now, with recent leaks from March 2023 in the CS2 beta, it seems that these “feathered friends” may evolve into something more—full-fledged game units or even pets. Let’s explore why pets in CS2 are needed in the game and when they might officially be added.


The First Leaks

March 2023 was a significant month for Counter-Strike fans. In the CS2 beta version, the first leaks hinting at the possible introduction of pets appeared. In test capsules and other interface elements, items labeled as “pets” were found, with the familiar chicken acting as a placeholder for these elements. At first, these mentions in the game’s code were met with a smile, as many assumed it was a prank by the developers. Players speculated that if pets were to appear, it would likely be in a fun game mode like “Danger Zone.”

However, as testing progressed, it became clear that this wasn’t just a joke. Mentions of pets continued to be found in the game client’s code, the panorama menu, and other parts of the game. Moreover, over the following months, new data surfaced, confirming that developers were seriously working on introducing pets.

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Chickens Get New Functions

Chickens in CS2, which had long existed in CS as passive elements, began acquiring new functions. One of the first noticeable changes was that when set on fire, chickens would turn into roasted chickens, adding a bit of humor to the game. Shortly after, chickens gained a full-fledged swimming animation, once again hinting that developers were preparing something bigger.

Additionally, there were other changes noticed in the chicken models. For example, they now had eye bones and the ability to blink using special shaders, which are typically applied to in-game agents. This suggests that chickens are becoming more "alive" and realistic. These improvements would seem excessive if they were just decorative, but it appears that chickens are being prepared for a more significant role in the game’s ecosystem.

Pets in the Inventory

One of the most intriguing developments in recent months is that the chicken was successfully activated as an item in the inventory. Players began posting videos showing that the chicken could be selected and equipped as a full-fledged object. Initially, this was achieved using certain “workarounds,” but later, as demonstrated by other players, the chicken could be chosen directly from the inventory, with its icon being updated as well.

This discovery confirms that pets are already embedded in the game, though they remain hidden from the public for now. All that’s left is to wait for their official release in upcoming updates. Interestingly, while the game currently only references chickens, developers may introduce other animals as pets in the future, though this information remains classified for now.


Why Are Pets Needed in Counter-Strike?

The main question that concerns many players is: why add pets to a competitive shooter like Counter-Strike? At first glance, it may seem like an unnecessary element that could distract from gameplay. However, it’s important to remember that CS2 chickens have already played a role in gameplay. They can be used for tactical purposes—observing a chicken’s behavior can help determine if an enemy is nearby, which is especially useful when players are moving stealthily, as any movement could give away their position.

Chickens, in fact, inherited the AI of hostages from older versions of CS. Previously, hostages were mobile and served a similar function, but at some point, the developers made them stationary, transferring part of their functionality to chickens. Now, chickens can follow players if they press the "use" button and stay in place if the button is pressed again. This adds a layer of tactical depth to gameplay.

With the introduction of pets, interactions with chickens could become even more varied. For instance, developers could add commands for pets, allowing them to distract enemies or draw attention to specific objects, such as dropped weapons on the map. This would add a new tactical element to the game, diversifying the familiar gameplay.

What’s Next?

The question remains: when will pets be officially added to the game? Judging by the leaks and the work already done on chicken models, it’s safe to assume that pets will be introduced in one of the upcoming major updates to CS2. It’s likely that they won’t be limited to just chickens, and in the future, players may be able to choose from several types of animals, each with its own unique features and abilities.

There’s also the question of how pets will be integrated into the classic game mode. Perhaps they will appear in a new game mode, or they could become part of the existing modes. Either way, this update has the potential to add fresh dynamics to the world of Counter-Strike and become another step in the evolution of the game.

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Pets in CS2 aren’t just a fun novelty; they could be an element that adds tactical depth and new interactions to the game. While many players are skeptical about the introduction of such features, chickens have long been an important part of gameplay, and their role could significantly expand in the future. All that’s left is to wait for the official release and see how pets will be integrated into the world of Counter-Strike.

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