steam即将喜加一!《Zoo Strikers》免费领取地址介绍,开领时间:2020年06月17日 00:30

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steam免费游戏促销又来咯,《Zoo Strikers》免费获取时间2020年06月17日 00:30-2020年06月23日 01:00


《Zoo Strikers》在线人数统计页面地址:


《Zoo Strikers》获取之后仅限时游玩

游戏介绍: featured image
"This game has Bearfelf and its FREE" - Joe David
Zoo Strikers is a 3rd person team-based action multiplayer game, featuring none other than Bearfelf himself. After years of development, Bearfelf has created a video game for you to play with him.

Your Character, Your Way
Choose which animal you will play as and customize their weapons, shoes, shirts, hats, glasses, and more. Level up and earn some cash from Bearfelf to help you grow your collection.

Team based fighting for FUN
Zoo Strikers aims to make having fun it's priority, with game modes like Bomb defusal, capture the flag, team death match, and gameplay like a classic 3rd person platforming game, the matches are fast, confusing, and crazy.

Build it?!
Throughout the maps you may come across large blocks that can be picked up, depending on how you place these blocks may just determine how the match goes! You can use these as cover, block entrances, and many more uses, but watch out! Some blocks may be explosive.

More to come
Right now we are only in at the alpha stage of development, so theres still lots more to be made, changed, rearranged! We hope you stay tuned and stay excited for whats to come.
"Theres a lot more to Bearfelf then you can see with your eye ball." - Josh

支持的语言: 英语*

原文链接: /posts/steamji-jiang-xi-jia-yi-zoo-strikers-mian-fei-ling-qu-di-zhi-jie-shao-kai-ling-shi-jian-2020nian-06yue-17ri-00-30