The first skin in Counter-Strike history


first CS skin

Have you ever wondered which skin appeared first? We don't mean the first one created, but which CS skin first landed in the hands of players.

The Arms Deal update was released on August 14, 2013, and added cases and skins to the game. Many of the skins were unremarkable, and some were even ugly.

By tracking the history of all weapons and their drops, it's easy to find the very first CS skin.

Nova "Walnut" – far from the most beautiful skin. It differs from the regular one only by its wooden stock and bolt. The gun is from the Inferno collection, and it used to drop frequently after matches, costing no more than a few cents for a long time. In 2019, Valve updated the collection, causing the old Inferno skins to increase in value due to their rarity. Now, it costs about two dollars. Of course, this particular piece is much more expensive due to its uniqueness.

However, the weapon is unlikely to be for sale, as it has been sitting in the account of a single player for all these 10 years. He probably doesn't play CS – the account only has the 5-Year Veteran Coin and the Loyalty Badge, as well as the Operation Wildfire Coin from 2016. Moreover, he has almost no other skins. The player registered on Steam back in 2009 and still doesn't have the 10-Year Veteran Coin.

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