Guide to Active Items in Deadlock: Mystic


guide to activate Mystic Deadlock section

In this article, we'll explore the final and most intriguing section of the in-game store — the Mystic Deadlock section, marked in purple. After covering the other parts of the shop, it's time to dive into active items for heroes who rely on abilities rather than auto-attacks. These items are also useful for countering challenging opponents like Seven or Warden.


Low-Cost Active Items


This Deadlock item is best purchased during the laning phase when your hero is in a strong position and can effectively harass opponents with spells. Infuser usually comes into play later when the balance of power is clearer, helping to adjust your strategy based on the game’s progression.

Guide to Active Items in Deadlock: Weapons

Mid-Cost Active Items

At this stage, items are purchased to slow down already strong heroes or to enhance your own ultimate abilities.

Slowing Hex

This item in Deadlock is especially useful against mobile heroes like Infernus or Mo&Krill. It not only slows opponents by 30% but also prevents them from using any escape abilities. Additionally, it slightly increases your movement speed, making it an excellent tool for controlling fast opponents.

Withering Whip

A situational item that enhances the orange damage dealt to a target. It's best used by physical carries against other physical carries when you need extra damage per second (DPS). Its effectiveness depends heavily on the in-game situation.

Cold Front

This item is ideal for tanky heroes who dive into the heart of battle, like Abrams or Lash. Its main strength is its AoE damage, which is hard for enemies to avoid.


This item is crucial for dealing with tanky heroes in the mid-game. Decay reduces healing and deals periodic damage to enemies, much like Pocket’s ultimate. It’s a strong counter to hard-to-kill heroes like Abrams.


A nightmare for Seven mains. This versatile item interrupts channeled abilities and immobilizes enemies. It's a great counter to heroes like Seven and Bebop. Consider picking it up if you’re struggling to land abilities or shots and need additional crowd control.

Ethereal Shift

This is a complex item that requires precise timing and game awareness. It makes the user invulnerable but also applies silence and disarm, which can work against you. However, it’s invaluable against heroes whose abilities you simply need to survive, such as Bebop, Kelvin, Lash, Paradox, and others.

Silence Glyph

This item functions similarly to Orchid from Dota 2. Silence prevents enemies from using abilities, making it perfect for shutting down nuker heroes like Yamato, Lady Geist, Ivy, and others. Though it doesn’t interrupt active abilities, it’s still a strong counter to ability-dependent heroes.


High-Cost Active Items

Late-game is the time to fix mistakes and push aggressively. Items in this category focus on escape mechanisms, reducing spell cooldowns, and increasing overall aggression.

Magic Carpet

Magic carpets are already symbols of luxury, but this one is also enchanted. Priced at 6000 Souls, it allows you to escape from the battlefield, though you can't perform any actions while using it. Added in a recent update, this item’s full potential is yet to be explored.


A universal item that works well against almost all heroes except tanks. Curse applies silence and disarm, leaving the enemy with no option but to flee. It’s a top-tier item for late-game situations.


The classic refresher, which resets all of your abilities' cooldowns. It's an excellent item for heroes who rely heavily on their ultimates, such as Dynamo or Seven.

Echo Shard

A lesser version of the Refresher that does not reset your ultimate’s cooldown but is still useful for heroes that rely on other abilities, like McGinnis or Bebop. The choice depends on your build and the situation in the game.

Active Items Guide in Deadlock: Survivability


The Mystic section in Deadlock offers a wide variety of powerful and versatile items that can greatly influence the outcome of the game. We recommend taking time to explore these items in the Sandbox mode to find the best combinations for your favorite heroes and different in-game scenarios.

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