All Knives in CS2 (Full List)
Back in ancient times, Counter-Strike knives were just one of the default weapons in the game, available for everyone. Sure, knife kills were as awesome as they are nowadays. But hunting for a knife skin? This aspect was born in 2013, with the introduction of custom knives in the Arms Deal update. Now, the collection of all CS2 knives includes 20 types and 37 possible skins. Do you know them all?
In addition to the basic practical value of a knife in CS2, the custom forms and colorful skins for this melee weapon are extremely rare. In a nutshell, you have around a 0.26% chance of getting a knife from a CS2 case. The rarity supports high prices, as the only reliable method of obtaining knives in Counter-Strike is to buy them from players or traders.
The high price of some CS2 knives is boosted by an extra layer of rarity. For example, Blue Gem Karambit costs around $1.5M! This sure is a unique item, but other knives with rare skin variations also cost quite a lot.
As for the knife kills in the game, they require good skills from a player, even if a knife eliminates the victim with one hit only. You need to come really close to your opponent, hiding your footsteps and risking getting noticed. If you can manage such situations and perform these miracles in matchmaking, why not get yourself one of the cool Counter-Strike 2 knives? Opponents and teammates will be surprised by your style and masterful play!
It’s a solid knife with a big blade. The Bayonet Knife looks just great in the game, adding a spirit of dedicated effectiveness to your actions.
If you get a kill with it, consider using CS2 replay controls to enjoy this glorious moment from different angles and perhaps in slow motion. CS2 Bayonet skins have some relatively cheap offers and a couple of pretty expensive ones. In general, it’s a mid-range knife in terms of selling prices.
The cheapest skins include Bayonet | Safari Mesh (starting from $172), Bayonet | Scorched ($180), and Bayonet | Urban Masked ($185).
The most expensive skin is Bayonet | Doppler with rare phases, such as Sapphire (up to $4,688) and Ruby (up to $3,825).
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M9 Bayonet
This version of the Bayonet Knife is somewhat brutal. The blade is massive and looks wider. Its back side has a saw part to cut tough plant parts (and much more). The M9 Bayonet is one of the most popular CS2 knives.
Skins for CS2 M9 Bayonet are among the most expensive on the market. Even lower-level variants cost quite a lot.
- The cheapest skin is M9 Bayonet | Safari Mesh (starting from $399).
- The most expensive skin for this knife is M9 Bayonet | Gamma Doppler with rare phases, such as Emerald (up to $16,632), Ruby ($11,880), and Sapphire ($9,876).
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Bowie Knife
This Counter-Strike knife also has a big blade, but it is rather elegant. This effect is created by the curvy sharp side and the somewhat narrow side. The handle of the Bowie Knife nicely corresponds to this general style.
Bowie is one of the cheapest CS2 knives.
It is possible to buy Bowie Knife | Safari Mesh, Bowie Knife | Forest DDPAT, or Bowie Knife | Urban Masked for around $90.
Bowie Knife | Doppler has expensive rare variants: Ruby ($1,837) and Sapphire ($1,425).
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Butterfly Knife
It’s one of the most beloved knives in the CS community. The Butterfly Knife is relatively small, and its blade can hide in the folding handle. The animation of this process makes this knife so popular. Running around with it on the game maps is an excellent feeling! Some Butterfly skins are among the most expensive CS2 knives.
- The cheapest skins for this knife type are Butterfly Knife | Scorched (starting from $585), Butterfly Knife | Safari Mesh ($588), and Butterfly Knife | Boreal Forest ($589).
- The most expensive offers are rare phases of Butterfly Knife | Gamma Doppler: Emerald ($14,999), Sapphire ($12.999), and Ruby ($10,689).
Buy Skins for Butterfly Knife on DMarket
Classic Knife
The name says it all. Here we have a classic knife, effective and dangerous. The blade is quite long, and the Classic Knife looks awesome in the game—whether you’re running with it or attempting a kill.
The Classic Knife skins in Counter-Strike 2 are a bit cheaper.
- Classic Knife | Boreal Forest and Classic Knife | Safari Mesh can be found in live offers starting from $105–110.
- The most expensive skin is Classic Knife | Crimson Web (up to $2,739).
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Falchion Knife
Unlike many other CS2 knives, the blade here is not too big. It is made to hide in the handle. The Falchion Knife is good to keep hidden and use when the moment arises. This concept is pretty relevant for Counter-Strike matches.
Most Falchion Knife skins are of the mid-price level.
- Falchion Knife | Safari Mesh, Falchion Knife | Boreal Forest, and Falchion Knife | Forest DDPAT are the cheapest, with the price starting from $90.
- The most expensive skins are Sapphire and Ruby variants of Falchion Knife | Doppler (up to $1,236).
If you enjoy having an effective look in the game, check out these cheap CS2 combinations. They can boost your style for less.
Buy Skins for Falchion Knife on DMarket
Flip Knife
The blade of this knife in CS2 makes it remarkable. It is curvy, similar to Karambit, but narrower, creating the effect of penetrating sharpness. The Flip Knife speaks of lightning and deadly offense.
Flip Knife skins have high prices, but they are still not the most expensive.
The cheapest offer is Flip Knife | Safari Mesh (starting from $125).
Flip Knife | Doppler costs $4,000 for the Ruby phase, $2,910 for Sapphire, and $2,770 for Emerald.
Buy Skins for Flip Knife on DMarket
Gut Knife
The two most notable features of the Gut Knife are the hook and the massive blade. The hook is made primarily to cut tough parts of animal bodies. The blade is so big to be effective during hunting. Do you like such a style in Counter-Strike?
These skins are among the cheapest on the CS2 knife market.
- It is possible to buy Gut Knife | Boreal Forest for $80.
- The Ruby phase of Gut Knife | Doppler is the most expensive (up to $949).
Buy Skins for Gut Knife on DMarket
Huntsman Knife
It’s one of the most aggressive-looking knives in CS2. The blade is huge, and the sharp side has a small element to deal extra damage. The main purpose of this weapon is obviously hunting, and the best use for it is to hunt for your opponents during game matches.
Skins of this knife type have cheap and mid-range offers.
- Huntsman Knife | Safari Mesh and Huntsman Knife | Forest DDPAT cost $90–$93.
- The most expensive offers include Huntsman Knife | Case Hardened (up to $2,850), and Huntsman Knife | Gamma Doppler: Emerald ($1,672) and Ruby ($1,654).
Buy Skins for Huntsman Knife on DMarket
The Karambit Knife is a melee weapon in some martial arts from South East Asia. The blade is made to resemble a tiger fang. The knife should be held with a back grip to deliver stronger hits. In Counter-Strike 2, the Karambit is very popular thanks to one of the animations, where the character spins it on the finger, using the handle hole. You may be interested in this article with all CS2 cases with Karambit.
The Karambit knives are generally pretty expensive.
Karambit | Forest DDPAT is the cheapest skin of this CS2 knife type, and it still costs $463 or more.
The most expensive Karambit CS2 skins (among the live offers) are rare phases of Karambit | Doppler: Ruby ($9,472) and Sapphire ($8,947). Blue Gem Karambits may be even more expensive, but it is a rare occasion to find such Case Hardened skins.
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Kukri Knife
This type of knife is used during traditional ceremonies in India, such as weddings. Sure, in Counter-Strike, the Kukri Knife has a totally different usage. The blade looks big compared to the handle even if the whole knife is not that massive. The wide part closer to the end makes the blade especially dangerous.
The prices for CS2 Kukri Knife skins are mid-range.
- The cheapest offer is $126 for Kukri Knife | Safari Mesh.
- The most expensive skin for this knife type is Kukri Knife | Fade, which costs up to $1,978 for a rare variant.
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Navaja Knife
It’s one of the smaller CS2 knife types and has a long, narrow handle and a short, sharp blade. The Navaja Knife has been made for sneaky aggression, which sure is awful in real life but can find its use in Counter-Strike matches.
Navaja is one of the cheapest CS2 knives. Consider buying it if you want a great item for a reasonable price.
- For around $80, you can buy Navaja Knife | Forest DDPAT or Navaja Knife | Safari Mesh.
- Navaja Knife | Doppler is the most expensive Navaja skin. The price reaches $1,500.
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Nomad Knife
The general style of the Nomad Knife is somewhat simple. While the handle has a few fancy elements, the blade itself is strictly straightforward: long, with a very sharp tip, and dedicated to dealing damage.
- The cheapest skins are Nomad Knife | Boreal Forest and Nomad Knife | Forest DDPAT for around $120.
- The priciest offers are on Nomad Knife | Case Hardened and Nomad Knife | Crimson Web skins, up to $1,500.
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Paracord Knife
The rectangle-ish blade is one of the unique elements of the Paracord. Unlike other CS2 knife types, the handle here is not a separate part but just a continuation of the blade, covered with paracord. Thanks to this feature, there is a metallic tip on the handle end, and it has the same color as the knife skin. For example, with Fade, it can be purple, red, or yellow.
- Paracord Knife | Forest DDPAT is quite cheap (as for a CS2 knife). Real offers start from $83.
- The highest price is around $1,500 for rare variants of Paracord Knife | Fade and Paracord Knife | Case Hardened.
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Shadow Daggers
The Shadow Daggers are exceptional CS2 knives. You get two for the price of one! The character holds a knife in both hands—they are like a sting coming from the fist. The skins for the Shadow Daggers are also special. The handles take different colors depending on the skin family.
Shadow Daggers CS2 skins are quite cheap. They’re a great choice for gamers and traders.
- The prices for Shadow Daggers | Boreal Forest, Shadow Daggers | Safari Mesh, Shadow Daggers | Black Laminate, and Shadow Daggers | Blue Steel start from around $80–$82.
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Skeleton Knife
The Skeleton and Paracord are similar CS2 knife types. Both are just a piece of metal, covered with something on one side instead of having a handle. The forms are definitely different. The Skeleton Knife is like a sting, but with small holes to let the blood come out. The big hole can be used for the finger, to make hits stronger. The Skeleton is a dangerous weapon, and the virtual game world is the best place for it.
Skeleton Knife skin prices are in the high category. These items are still worthy investments.
- It is possible to buy Skeleton Knife | Boreal Forest or Skeleton Knife | Forest DDPAT for $191.
- The price for rare variants of Skeleton Knife | Fade reaches $2,058.
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Stiletto Knife
Italian noble society used to carry this type of knife in older times. It is small, and the blade hides in the handle. They had it to quickly take out and get an enemy with a sneaky hit. The blade is sharp and relatively long—to leave deadly wounds.
The Counter-Strike community appreciates the Stiletto Knife, and the skin prices are pretty high.
- Stiletto Knife | Boreal Forest costs around $160.
- The Sapphire phase of Stiletto Knife | Doppler is the most expensive skin for this knife type (up to $2,755).
Buy Skins for Stiletto Knife on DMarket
Survival Knife
This knife is a universal tool for surviving in the wilderness. The blade has a hook to cut especially tough plants and animal parts. The hole in the middle makes the Survival Knife a super dangerous weapon. It is generally big and creates the atmosphere of confident offense in Counter-Strike.
- The lowest market price is on Survival Knife | Scorched (starting from $84).
- Survival Knife | Crimson Web is the most expensive. It costs up to $520.
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Talon Knife
In a way, the Talon Knife is very similar to Karambit. Both these CS2 knife types have a curved blade that resembles a tiger fang. Both are filled with aggression due to the back grip. The saw part of the Talon Knife makes it a somewhat more universal tool. If you want to complement its form with great colors, take a look at this list of the best CS2 skins for knives.
It feels like people like this blade form, as the Talon Knife skins are expensive items to buy.
- Talon Knife | Forest DDPAT costs $230.
- For the Sapphire phase of Talon Knife | Doppler, sellers want up to $8,900.
Buy Skins for Talon Knife on DMarket
Ursus Knife
The Ursus Knife is somewhat simple: straight lines of the blade emphasize effectiveness over fancy details. This approach takes some extra features away from the weapon, like holes and saw parts. The main purpose is to eliminate opponents in CS2, with no distractions.
- The cheapest offer on an Ursus Knife skin is $95 for Ursus Knife | Safari Mesh.
- Ursus Knife | Doppler in its Ruby phase costs up to $2,400.
Buy Skins for Ursus Knife on DMarket
In terms of practical use, all CS2 knives are identical. They increase movement speed, and they kill with one hit at a very close range. The knife skins are just an atmospheric addition, and you can choose whichever you like the most.
We have a dedicated article that features all CS2 cases with knives. Check it out to know which knife types and skins come from different containers.
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