How to Make a CS2 Jump Throw Bind: A Guide


The previous installments of Counter-Strike created the tradition of jump throw binds. You could use simple tools to bind a key for the jump+throw action. This feature works differently in CS2.

The newest game uses a more casual approach. The input window for CS2 jump throw is longer. With just a little practice, everyone can perform the trick. However, a perfect jump throw is still rather challenging. It would be much easier to do if you know how to make CS2 jump throw bind.

The technique requires delving into the script creation magic. No worries! We have you covered. With this guide on DMarket Blog, you will be able to bind a CS2 jump throw in no time.

What is Jump Throw in CS2?

When a player activates a jump and then a throw, it is simply called jump throw in CS2. The in-game model jumps to throw a grenade, Molotov, or smoke from the highest position.

With this trick, you can throw CS2 nades to some far-away spots. Jump throws are essential for the following situations:

  • To cover specific approaches with smoke, so your team is safe during rotations.
  • To damage opponents in the spots where players tend to gather.
  • To block some passageways with fire and make it more difficult for your opponents to rotate.

There is a variation of this technique, named run jump throw. The difference is that you do it while running. Yes, you can have a run jump throw bind as well.

jumping and throwing the grenade in CS2

Where to Use CS2 Jump Throws

Nade lineups are different for all the CS2 maps. Learning them is as important as understanding the locations’ general structure and callouts on them.

Some spots for grenades, smoke, or Molotov require really long throws. They work only if you jump before making your throw. Usually, CS2 lineup guides mark these positions as jump throws. Be attentive to your learning material!

Also, it is always a good idea to practice every jump throw in matches with bots and casual matchmaking before taking this technique to the competitive and Premier CS2 game modes.

How to Create a CS2 Jump Throw Bind

If you have a jump throw bind, you will be able to activate this trick by pressing one key only. Even with a pretty forgiving input window in Counter-Strike 2, a bind can help you perform a flawless jump throw—each and every time.

To create a jump throw bind in CS2, you need to make a simple script, save it as a configuration file, and then activate it in the game. The process is described in the steps below.

  1. Open your File Explorer and follow the path ‘steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo\cfg’

  2. Create a new .txt file in this folder—right click and choose New Text Document

  3. Name the file jumpthrow.cfg. Confirm that you want to change the file name extension.

  4. Open jumpthrow.cfg with Notepad—right click

  5. Paste this code into the file:

    alias "+jumpaction" "+jump;"
    alias "+throwaction" "-attack; -attack2"
    alias "-jumpaction" "-jump"
    bind [KEY] "+jumpaction;+throwaction;"
    alias "+runthrow" "+forward;+jump;"
    alias "-runthrow" "-jump;-forward"
    bind [KEY2] "+runthrow;+throwaction"
  6. Replace [KEY] and [KEY2] with the keys you want to use for jump throw and run jump throw.

  7. Save and close the file.

  8. In the game, press the tilde (~) to open the developer console. You may need to enable it in the game settings.

  9. Add ’exec jumpthrow’ to the console and confirm with Enter.

path 'steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo\cfg creation of a new text document jumpthrow.cfg in CS2 opening jumpthrow.cfg with Notepad cs2 commands for jump throw cs2 jump throw binds and commands save and close cs2 jump throw bind exec jumpthrow in cs2
path 'steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\game\csgo\cfg creation of a new text document jumpthrow.cfg in CS2 opening jumpthrow.cfg with Notepad cs2 commands for jump throw cs2 jump throw binds and commands save and close cs2 jump throw bind exec jumpthrow in cs2

Your jump throw bind is ready to use. Enjoy!

For some tricks with game settings that may benefit your CS2 experience, check out how to increase FPS and the best CS2 settings.

Using CS2 Jump Throw Bind Effectively

Having your jump throw bind ready doesn’t mean you can relax and see your CS2 rank automatically rise. Practice is a key factor in the game, and any convenient bind is only a tool for you to strive for perfection.

Things to focus on include the following aspects:

  • Expand your knowledge of nade lineups in CS2

Counter-Strike matches are dynamic, and you cannot rely on one spot to throw grenades in every match. Teams change sides. Opponents use different tactics. Your allies may call for unusual actions. You should be ready for this and know where and when CS2 jump throws are the most effective.

  • Focus on movement skills

All CS2 players clearly understand the importance of accurate shooting in the game. At the same time, movement practice is often neglected. This is a mistake, and you should avoid making it.

Movement skills are important for accurate shooting: opponents do not let you stay still for a nice aim. Also, you need to be good at movement for jump throws. In some situations, you need to reach a specific spot as soon as possible. Or, you need to flee an imminent hazard after using your jump throw bind on a CS2 map.

The special technique of run jump throw is totally based on your movement skills.

Do not underestimate the power of movement control in CS2. Focus on it during your usual playing sessions or initiate special training on CS2 surf servers.

  • Practice team communication

There is not much sense in the perfect CS2 jump throw if you can’t coordinate your actions within a team. It may be difficult to achieve in online matchmaking with random people. However, you need to focus on sharing info with teammates and hearing what they say in the voice chat.

Playing within a settled team is certainly better for jump throws and your Counter-Strike 2 successes in general.

A jump throw is a technique in CS2 that allows players to throw grenades in faraway spots on the game maps. Such actions are essential for coordinated team play.

With a jump throw bind, CS2 players can perform the technique more easily. One press of an assigned key, and the in-game model throws a grenade from the highest position with the best possible effect. To make a CS2 jump throw bind, you need to add a specific script to a configuration file and activate it in the game. The details are in the respective sections of this guide.

Having a jump throw bind does not guarantee success in the game. Focus on other essential aspects, such as nade lineups, movement skills, and team communication.

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