CS2将不再支持macos以及32位操作系统和DirectX 9,部分优先账户可申请退款


随着技术的进步,我们做出了一个艰难的决定,停止对旧硬件的支持,包括DirectX 9和32位操作系统。同样,我们也不再支持macOS。这些系统的用户占活跃CS:GO玩家的不到百分之一。从现在起,CS2将只支持64位的Windows和Linux系统。 


如果您是受影响的客户,并且想要退还您的Prime Status Upgrade,请参考下面的常见问题解答。

我无法运行CS2,因为我使用DirectX 9或者32位版本的Windows。我有资格退还Prime Status Upgrade吗?

如果DirectX 9和/或32位Windows用户是在Steam上在Counter-Strike 2 Limited Test(2023年3月22日)宣布和Counter-Strike 2(2023年9月27日)发布之间购买了Prime Status Upgrade,那么他们有资格退还Prime Status Upgrade。


我无法运行CS2,因为我在Mac上玩。我有资格退还Prime Status Upgrade吗?

如果macOS用户大部分的CS:GO游戏时间是在macOS上,并且他们是在Counter-Strike 2 Limited Test(2023年3月22日)宣布和Counter-Strike 2(2023年9月27日)发布之间在Mac上玩了CS:GO,那么他们有资格退款,无论他们什么时候购买了Prime Status Upgrade。







 在2024年1月1日之后,游戏仍然可以玩,但是一些依赖于与Game Coordinator兼容的功能(例如,访问库存)可能会降低和/或失效。

Legacy CS:GO Version

Counter-Strike 2 represents the largest technical leap in CS history, and our goal is to continue to develop Counter-Strike for years to come.

As technology advances, we have made the difficult decision to discontinue support for older hardware, including DirectX 9 and 32-bit operating systems. Similarly, we will no longer support macOS. Combined, these represented less than one percent of active CS:GO players.

Moving forward, Counter-Strike 2 will exclusively support 64-bit Windows and Linux.

If you are unable to launch Counter-Strike 2 with your current hardware, you can access a legacy version of CS:GO. Support for this version of CS:GO will end on January 1, 2024.

If you are an affected customer and want a refund of your Prime Status Upgrade, please refer to the frequently asked questions below.

I can't run CS2 because I run DirectX 9 or a 32-bit version of Windows. Am I eligible for a Prime Status Upgrade refund?

DirectX 9 and/or 32-bit Windows users are eligible for a Prime Status Upgrade refund if their purchase was made on Steam between the announcement of the Counter-Strike 2 Limited Test (March 22, 2023) and the launch of Counter-Strike 2 (September 27, 2023).
CD keys, gifts, and accounts with bans are not eligible for a refund.

I can't run CS2 because I play on a Mac. Am I eligible for a Prime Status Upgrade refund?

macOS users are eligible for a refund if most of their CS:GO playtime was on macOS and they played CS:GO on a Mac between the announcement of the Counter-Strike 2 Limited Test (March 22, 2023) and the launch of Counter-Strike 2 (September 27, 2023), regardless of when they purchased their Prime Status Upgrade.
CD keys, gifts, and accounts with bans are not eligible for a refund.

How long do I have to claim my refund?

We will be offering refunds until December 1, 2023.

What is the legacy version of CS:GO?

The legacy version of CS:GO is a frozen build of CS:GO. It has all of the features of CS:GO except for official matchmaking.

What will happen after the end of support for the legacy version of CS:GO?

After January 1, 2024 the game will still be available, but certain functionality that relies on compatibility with the Game Coordinator (e.g., access to inventory) may degrade and/or fail.

原文链接: /posts/btqTP8tM

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